Sunday, July 18, 2010

Well it's been quite a while since I've updated. To state the obvious, being a new mom is time consuming. I feel that Rori Lyn still deserves her own little corner of cyber space so I am going to continue to update this; hopefully with more frequency.

I can't believe she is already 10 weeks old.

Rori's new unofficial theme she has adopted is elephants. She has a cute pair of elephant PJs in every size up to 12 months as well as a few other outfits and a toy elephant. I updated the background to reflect the new trend :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's about time I update the baby blog with the birth of our baby! I guess it just slipped my mind but then again it is a bit preoccupied at the moment.

Rori Lyn was born May 6th, 2010 at 7:44pm. She weighed 8lbs 5oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. I was in labor about 13 hours but the actual pushing was only about an hour and a half; the rest of the time I was pretty relaxed with my epidural. Mom thought it was hilarious that I was just lounging watching TV while I was in labor.
Rori is the most precious baby even if I am biased. See for yourself:Russ got to spend Friday thru Monday at home enjoying his new family and then had to work in Tulsa the rest of the week. Rori and I did some major bonding but really missed Russ. She is good tempered and (knock on wood) doesn't keep us up all night.

Here she is with her daddy and Grandparents Temple:
We just took this picture today (9 days old):

Saturday, May 8, 2010

After her first bath.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So tomorrow is the big day. Starting to get nervous but excited to get back to 'normal' physically anyway. I can't wait to see her. We're both so excited. I'll post pictures as soon as possible!

Monday, May 3, 2010

We are scheduled to induce this Thursday the 6th!
I went to the doctor today and I haven't made any more progress but I am dilated to 4cm and she seems to think I am ready physically just need that extra push. I'm starting to feel comfortable opening some of the packages of diapers and wipes etc. and finishing up all the last minute details around the house. Luckily I will be finished with finals tomorrow and am officially on maternity leave from work so I will have time to get everything done in the next few days. We are so excited!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Went to the hospital yesterday morning for what now appears to be false labor. They thought we'd still have her within the next couple of days or 24 hours however I am not feeling labor pains of any sort now. So we wait and I rest and hope she comes soon. I will go back to the doctor on Monday if she doesn't come over the weekend and we will schedule to induce. I really wish she would come on her own though.

Monday, April 26, 2010

8lbs? 8lbs! Went to the doctor again today and yes, you guessed it, Rori is 8lbs! She said that I am now dilated to 3cm and she has definitely dropped. Neither I nor the doc think I will make it til next Monday which is my next appointment but if I do we will schedule an induction date then. Let's hope we see her soon!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I've had three doctor's visits since the last time I posted. I am going weekly now, every Monday. At the first appointment I wasn't dilated. At the second appointment I was dilated to 2cm and this past Monday was at 2.5 cm. Rori seems to be dropping a little but not much however it is good that I am at least dilating and showing some progress towards labor. I am getting very anxious with anticipation as is Russ. I am surprised that Russ is so ready as I originally thought it might be overwhelming for him. He is very supportive and ready! The doctor was not able to give me an estimate for delivery thinking it could be from a couple of days up until the due date so we are trying not to get too anxious as it only makes the wait longer. It's hard though. We have decided that if she doesn't come before we will induce on her due date. For health and safety we don't want her to get too large and have any labor complications that can happen if a baby is over due. That means Rori will be here May 10th at the latest!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Slowly finishing up the Thank You notes and trying to keep up with them since gifts have been coming randomly since the shower. Everything looks so adorable in her nursery and will be put to good use soon. Today we got a Bumbo which are little seats kind of like the plastic booster ones you get at a restaurant only more functional. Also she got some toiletries and the cutest outfit & swim suit! It is getting to hard to wait. I will go back to the doctor on Monday and hopefully get some good news about her dropping. Otherwise I think she is determined to stay in there forever. :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Here is a picture of Rori's closet, all organized and ready! She is spoiled.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wow! I am sitting here in the nursery just admiring all of the wonderful things we were given at the shower. We were truly spoiled. Rori now has practically everything she needs. We got big ticket items like the stroller, swing, gift card for mattress and breast pump, diaper pail and pack n' play. We also got lots of everyday items from bottles and diapers to bath time necessities etc. Also, a Boppy which are awesome if you're not familiar with them. I am up to my ears in pink but am very excited because it is all so cute. Thank you to all those who came and braved the weather and also to those who missed us. We had lots of fun and can't wait for Rori to come so we can put it all to use!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Here is the ultrasound video in it's entirety.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Went back to the doctor again today. She didn't do an ultrasound so no new pics however Rori is doing well; her heartbeat is normal and her weight is in the 60th percentile so she is a tiny bit larger than average. I asked my doc about delivery today and if she is not here by my due date then we can decide to wait another week or induce on the due date. So, Rori will be here by May 17th at the latest!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

As promised... pics of the nursery!

I found really cute decals at Target that match the room. They are little birds, a tree, and flowers. This is a close up of the smaller mural. I wish they photographed better but there is a glare on the decals.
This is the large wall with the dresser and crib against it. The mural runs the length of the wall.
The smaller mural from afar.

The crib and the bedding, we don't have a mattress yet so the bedding isn't quite filled out. Excuse the few tools and other items in the pics, we are still under construction.

I made curtains that match, they also have the theme. This is the glider we got for xmas and I found the cute lamp and table at Target as well.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Went to the doc today and she said everything is looking good. Rori is still a girl :)
We have been making major strides in the nursery and it is beautiful. As soon as I get a minute I will definitely get pictures posted.
The baby shower will be March 20th. Russ' sister is throwing it for us and invitations should go out next week.
Rori is kicking a lot and loves to move lately. It's really amazing getting to feel that.
I go back to the doc every 2 weeks from now on .. we're getting close!

Friday, January 29, 2010

It's a bit late but this is something I definitely need to post. We found out Monday that we ARE having a little GIRL! We were surprised but still thrilled.
Russell has been busy putting the furniture together and I have been sewing curtains. Still so much to do. I try to keep myself from buying everything now that we know the sex, especially before the shower, but it's hard. I'll post some pics of the nursery soon.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Still waiting to find out the gender but we actually picked a neutral color for the nursery. Since brown is a base for both trends in color (pink and brown for girls and blue and brown for boys) we went with a color called 'warm caramel' it's the last one on the chart below.
It's actually a very pretty color on the walls and looks great with the new carpet and baby furniture. Russ has it about halfway painted so I'll post pics when it's finished and the carpet is in etc.